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Interesting for)) ff

Kelyn Zoeller

I 100% agree. In todays society listening has become and artform that most American's do not practice anymore. What happened to the days when sitting around a radio LISTENING to someone speak was appreciated, now we find ourselves to busy to even watch commericals. Techonolgy is what blame for this epidemic of rudeness that has exploded onto our continent. We no longer understand that listening is important. That there is something to learn from others and that perhaps if we just shut-up long enought to hear someone elses thoughts that we might in deed find something interesting in someone else. Selfishness is ruling our country adn it is killing our business world!
There is no time to waste. However, while American business men are failing to listen, they do not realize they are loosing money. Isnt it barbaric how quickly one forgets to hear another speak.

Bill Lampton, Ph.D.

You're right on target, Alf. Every time I direct a communication seminar, I begin by asking participants to identify--silently--the three people they enjoy talking with the most: someone from their family, a work associate and a friend. Then when I get to the section on listening, I say: "Think back now to the three people you selected as your favorite conversationalists. My guess is that these three individuals are not great joke tellers, boisterous back-slappers or weavers of long-winded narratives. Instead, you selected people who listen to you intently. They listen so closely you feel encouraged to share your deepest feelings. That's why we're going to spend the next few minutes considering how to improve our listening skills."

No seminar attendee has ever disputed my guess about who he or she selected. This reinforces what you say in your fine article, Alf.

Listening is our most powerful communication skill, yet one of the most neglected. My slogan: "Listen your way to the top!"

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