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ActivLab Whey Protein 70 is a high protein containing the order of the highest supremacy whey protein crowd and carbohydrates (mono-and polysaccharides). Additionally enriched with creatine, taurine, lecithin, lactase, vitamins and minerals.
Creatine increases the energy production (ATP), stimulates the rise of muscles, enhances the strength of muscle contraction and increases the hydration of muscle cells. It has strong anti-catabolic properties, significantly accelerates advance time.
Taurine transports creatine into muscle, causing its more shit use, and also accelerates the growth of muscle cells.
Lecithin is a begetter of choline and inositol - metabolic activators.
Lactase is an enzyme decomposing lactose (milk sugar), lactose sexism prevents and facilitates the digestion of milk.
Vitamins and minerals are essential after normal metabolism in the body.
The product is recommended for all who want to with all speed and effectively increase their muscle batch and perseverance, and also with too much physical toil as immeasurably as supporting recreational and competitive training.


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Emily Nichols

I think that is an excellent idea to design funds for those victims who experienced the tragedy from Hurricane Katrina. Much attention has decreased from this disaster, resulting many to forget which is a shame. These funds would help many individuals to get back on their feet to start back up again. I feel that most Americans ignore problems except when it affects their own personal life. Out of sight, out of mind. As a Nation, we should provide more help for these victims and New Orleans. We are more concerned with celebrities and we need to turn the attention around to issues that really matter. Providing a fund would be able to capture further attention, involving more Americans to help out. I commend you for this idea on helping others in a time in need.

Bill Lampton, Ph.D.

I commend you, Alf, on your plan to help the displaced, fundless small business person. You are targeting a group that many others will neglect. A $5,000 grant to a Katrina victim who truly wants to work and re-establish his livelihood will help restore an income, dignity and personal fulfillment. That's an investment with great promise, both monetary and emotional.

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