Woot, a web technology clearning house, is quielty building a following with one of the most quirky sales models we've seen. New products are announed each night at midnight, and are available for purchase until the product sells out or 24 hours has passed, which ever comes first.
Equally interesting is their FAQ. After reading through this piece you'll have no doubt about what to expect from this company. An example of honesty on the front-end...a novel idea.
As I wrote in a recent column, marketers should never forget that the portal to the customer will often establish the perception of the brand. How I'm treated on the phone, on-line or as I cross the threshold and enter the store will invariably play a major part in defining my future opinion of and relationship with the brand.
Having little expectations for customer service or support seems to work in the world of Woot, and it works because the company makes no promises otherwise.